Home TECHNOLOGY 5G - The BackBone For Digitization?

5G – The BackBone For Digitization?

Each previous generation of cellular technology has enabled new types of applications that have enriched and changed our lives. The new generation of mobile communications 5G can become the driving force behind digitization. Thanks to the diverse and flexible technical capabilities, numerous fields of application can benefit from 5G technology. The availability of 5G networks will give digitization and the Internet of Things (IoT) a decisive boost.

A look at the possible fields of the application shows why the expectations of the fifth generation of mobile communications are so great. Whether it is industry, energy, health, science, or entertainment: the 5G technology standard has the necessary technical properties to act as an essential source of inspiration for innovations across many industries and fields of application.

Autonomous Driving And Connected Vehicles

Intelligent and autonomous mobility offers traffic information in real-time and multimedia systems in the vehicle – future applications will cause gigantic data streams that have to be transported reliably and quickly. Without the bandwidth of 5G connectivity, which is still available even at high speeds, the future of the connected vehicle is hardly conceivable.

Real-time data on the traffic situation that cars exchange with a higher-level infrastructure such as traffic control technology also requires short latency times and the ability to transmit data directly between the vehicles without going through a radio base station. Because 5G can meet all of these requirements, this applies to a new generation of cell phones as a door opener and an essential part of future mobility.

Networked Production And DriverLess Transport Systems

The interaction between man and machine, condition monitoring using intelligent sensors for predictive maintenance, and networking of production and logistics are topics of the fourth industrial revolution. Applications in the industry have very high requirements and cry out for 5G as the primary technology.

The fifth generation of mobile radio technology fulfills the requirements concerning reliability. It transmits the information obtained with a brief time delay to react immediately to corresponding disturbances. Especially when it comes to cooperation between robots and humans, the machine must respond to its human counterpart in fractions of a second to not endanger anyone.

Private 5G Networks In The Factory And Industrial Communication

When the frequencies for 5G were auctioned in 2019, the entire spectrum did not come up for public auction. A part has been reserved for industrial users and applications. Companies can use local frequencies to set up their own 5G networks, so-called campus networks, to install. These closed, private networks ensure improved network security and availability on the factory premises and enable complete control and flexibility concerning using and allocating the available network spectrum for different company applications (keyword network slicing).

For example, a network with 5G on company premises can consist of two parts: a private and a public network. Part of the radio network is reserved for business-critical applications in manufacturing and production. The other part is released for use by employees or suppliers and improves data security in the company.

Smart Cities And Digitized Mobility

The smart city defines innovative solution approaches and the use of digital technologies in the municipal environment. Towns and municipalities face a need for action concerning the digitization and networking of urban infrastructures, not least due to the increased traffic volume and the associated air pollution. Intelligent energy-saving sensor networks that can be seamlessly integrated into existing ecosystems can help improve air quality in urban areas.

Thanks to the technical properties of 5G, it is possible to support a higher number of end devices and sensors per radio cell and transfer the data obtained efficiently. This enables many new applications in the urban environment, which are often not feasible with today’s mobile radio technology.

5G For Secure Energy Networks And Intelligent Building Technology

There are numerous scenarios for intelligent 5G networking along the entire value chain in the energy and supply sector. Some applications, such as smart metering, are already in use today with available network technologies in building technology. However, the energy transition, in particular, can develop additional dynamism through 5G. The question is which 5G technology and frequency are used to ensure adequate building penetration to house connection rooms.

Intelligent power grids will play a central role in the energy transition.

The supply network is determined by networking thousands of decentralized power generation and storage systems, so-called virtual power plants. This places high demands on real-time data transmission for feed-in monitoring and improvement of the generation forecast. The 5G standard can significantly increase communication reliability and improve the significant operation for monitoring the systems. Overall, 5G is an essential engine for implementing new business models in the energy industry.


The existing network technologies already enable a wide variety of approaches in the context of digitization. Current bandwidths and latencies with 4G are still sufficient for many applications. Connectivity and thus also the 5G standard will be the overall supporting element and serve as a support for digitization.

Also Read: How 5G Will Shape Network Security

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