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Complete Guide To Social Networks & Social Media Marketing


All you need to know for perfect management of corporate social networks, to obtain concrete results and new customers.

Lost in the tangle of social networks? Confused about choosing the platform that can contribute to your business?

If you know that social media can be the icing on the cake for marketing and corporate communication, but you don’t know how to organize all the ideas and opportunities, find everything you need to know about social media marketing here.

What Does It Mean To Do Social Branding?

Social branding is communicating a brand and its value through social networks, with the ultimate goal of gathering consensus and transforming visitors into customers.

A tool is as powerful as it is insidious.

If not managed properly, it can prove to be a double-edged sword. Some mistakes risk seriously undermining the brand reputation and affecting the business.

On the contrary, it can be considered undoubtedly among the most effective marketing tools to increase a company’s brand awareness, strengthen the image compared to the competition, and bring an increase in sales.

3 Benefits Of Corporate Social Media

Create A Community

The great strength of social networks lies in immediate and direct communication with the public—an essential aspect of reaching people’s hearts and ensuring their preferences.

Thinking more broadly about this concept, we arrive at the idea of ​​community, a group of people who share interests and exchange opinions thanks to social networks.

An effective way to increase word of mouth, reviews and discover the wishes and problems of your audience.

Once your community has been created, through specific content organized from an SEO perspective, it will convert into traffic to the site and into possible customers.

Develop An Inbound Marketing Strategy

Anything that can be used to interact transparently and directly with your audience to obtain satisfactory results for your business is part of inbound marketing.

This is a description that fits the bill perfectly for social media.

By working reasonably on social media, the benefits for the inbound marketing strategy will be substantial. You will have a lot of exposure, increased traffic and brand awareness.

In short, an appreciable growth in the public and customer satisfaction. All while maintaining low prices.

Advertise Online With Sponsored Campaigns

Giving a big boost to a project also involves constant promotion. This is where advertising on the web makes its way.

There are many variables involved, and to avoid unnecessary loss of money in the wrong promotional choice, you need to know all the alternatives in this field. So that advertising campaigns effectively win customers and not waste time and energy.

If you have already designed and activated your campaigns, don’t abandon them. The next step is constant monitoring. Follow your Ads on Google and social networks and check the hashtags; they could prove much more valuable than you think.

How To Create Engaging And Valuable Content For Corporate Social Media?

Stereotypes also exist in the field of social media. Try to think about it: the common idea of ​​many entrepreneurs is that social networks are a place of entertainment and that it is enough to create a profile to see results.

If you want social media to pay off, you need to cultivate it.

Social media is not an amusement park but a fertile ground for your business if used properly. You have to prepare this ground, create your company profiles, and nurture it carefully and consistently.

Nourishment is all content for your audience. Let’s see together what must not be missing on your social networks.

The Posts

You have your social pages, and you have established the marketing goals you want to achieve. What is missing? Users on your profile.

To bring them to you, you need to build your social presence. In short, you have to publish content, useful and interesting for the people you are addressing.

The first thing you need to tackle is to post scheduling. Frequency and type must be established in time to maintain constant publication.

There is a simple, effective, and indispensable way to define the editorial plan.

Once your planning is perfect, you can proceed with the actual posting.

In this phase, you need to combine valuable material and creativity to attract attention and intrigue people.

There is no precise rule, but there are targeted ideas to create perfect posts. A little secret? Observe what is happening around you.


The social world speaks in images. More or less, all the platforms exploit the immediacy of photographs and graphics.

You can wander far and wide with original ideas, creative graphic combinations and visual communication. The only limit is size.

An optimal rendering of the images is guaranteed by compliance with the measures established by the various social networks. Our recommendation is to keep updated on the optimal dimensions for photos and videos to post on social networks.

Even for photographs, you have to pay attention to certain characteristics to perfect the rendering. Expensive tools are not needed but rather dedicated to deepening the basic rules for taking professional social media managers.

The Videos

Many entrepreneurs like you wonder if focusing on videos to communicate the brand is the best way to promote their business.

Those who have realized that the answer is yes are already taking steps to exploit the enormous potential of video for their company.

If only a couple of years ago we talked about videos as the future of communication, for the same reasons, today we can say with certainty that they are the present of communication.

How to make the most of this medium? Again you need to plan. Define an ad hoc video strategy and introduce videos into your daily communication and marketing practice.

Keep in mind that tools and types can be different; you must always evaluate what they can do for you to lead the audience exactly where you want and achieve your business goals.

Which Social Media To Choose For Your Business

The social world is always in turmoil. New platforms are around the corner, and the public is ready every time to welcome change.

In the continuous movement created by social networks that are born and social that fall into oblivion, you have to find your balance.

Being present everywhere is unnecessary; you have to identify what is right for you. Look at these three elements:

  • The identity of your brand
  • Your audience
  • The type of content you want to convey.

At this point, it will be easy to deduce which social network to build your presence on.

Have you already established which social networks to focus on? Well, then you can start practicing. We have targeted advice for each of your choices.


Created by Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom in 2010 and then bought by Facebook in 2012, Instagram is much more than a social network.

For companies, it is the ideal place to talk about themselves and attract the attention of new potential customers.

Instagram is a digital platform designed for the instant sharing of images and videos. An idea that also works from an entrepreneurial point of view.

Do you think it’s time to include Instagram in your web marketing strategy?

Well, let’s start with the steps you can’t do without:

  • Study the audience and the competition – it will be useful for you to choose what and how to communicate,
  • Create your company profile – enter a clear description of your brand, and don’t forget to bring out your identity,
  • Define the type of content to publish – you can use text, images, and videos to create a varied and dynamic effect,
  • Establish an editorial plan – it will help you stay active and constant in your social actions,
  • Create your content – combine the usefulness of information for users with your creativity.

Beware of slips, though; making mistakes on Instagram could get between you and your business goals. Here is an example of the 3 most common:

  • Image quality – is the focus of this platform; it communicates through images; they must be excellent and captivating, not only for the content but also for the resolution,
  • Use # – choose the ones that best suit your business and maybe think about creating one specifically for your audience, but avoid following the ones that are more fashionable and do not belong to you,
  • Do not use the stories – they are the innovative element introduced by this social network, and they help you create really direct contact with people; why do it without them?

The Benefits Of Using Instagram For A Business

Among the various advantages that this social network can bring to your company, we want to focus on two aspects that are particularly close to the heart of every entrepreneur.

Instagram helps you:

  • Increase site traffic: It is one of the most popular social networks of the moment, if not the absolute favorite among young and old, for leisure and beyond. So why not take advantage of all the opportunities it offers you?
  • Sell: Being able to earn a place among the millions of social network users is not easy. It is Instagram that proves to be the resource that helps small and large entrepreneurs to sell.

Now it’s your turn to familiarize yourself with the interface and increase your web strategy.


Not sure where to start to create your Facebook page? To start your experience on this social network, start with these two steps:

  • Open the page and customize it according to your brand identity. This phase may seem rather intuitive – and in part, it is, especially if you have already experimented with personal profiles – but don’t take it too lightly; better follow the best practices to develop a perfect Facebook business page,
  • Optimize the page to get you noticed by a large audience. To jump in people’s eyes, this step is essential because it helps your brand name go online and brings more users to the site after their passage on social networks. Optimizing the company’s Facebook page is a crucial step to making yourself known and selling online.

The Benefits Of Using Facebook For A Business

As with Instagram, the benefits concerning your business goals can also be numerous in the case of Facebook.

Here are the 3 you can’t give up:

  • Do lead generation: Lead generation aims to collect contacts from people interested in your company. In this task, Facebook shows itself to be a very effective marketing tool. Both for the possibility of creating communities and the special tools for lead generation that it puts at your disposal,
  • Create Adv campaigns: On Facebook, you can advertise highly profiled to intercept all those who fall within your target. This is already a nice advantage. But it doesn’t stop there. To improve your campaign results, you have the Facebook Pixel, a tool that allows monitoring visits and conversions of your sponsored posts
  • And sell: This is every entrepreneur’s ultimate goal, and Facebook helps you make it happen. Not only through lead generation and Adv, as we have just seen. The social network allows you to open an online shop directly on the platform. In short, you can have your e-commerce on Facebook for more direct and faster sales. Not bad, right?


He is also defined as the “social professional” we could not fail to talk about him thinking about all the tools to improve your life as an entrepreneur.

LinkedIn is a unique social network created to support people’s job searches.

It is a great opportunity for you and your company; it is the ideal (virtual) place to establish professional relationships, exchange ideas, and show what you do.

The connection is not only with your possible audience but also with other professionals with whom to expand the business and engage in partnerships.

Like any other social platform, it has its own rules to follow. Whether it is the profile creation phase or the content management, it is better to follow specific guidelines for LinkedIn, to make the most of every opportunity that presents to you.


The social landscape is vast, and the possibilities for sharing quality content and meeting people are vast. Among these possibilities is also Twitter.

Maybe it’s not the first social network we think about today, and maybe it even seems strange to talk about it. Yet it can be a great asset to your marketing, especially if your business is international.

The idea behind Twitter is to bring together people with common topics so that they can exchange breaking news and stay up to date.

You, too, can gather your audience and build your follower pool. You are also acting as a point of reference for your sector.

A company profile on this social network must lead to creating a loyal and involved group. You need to consistently incorporate Twitter into your marketing strategy by organizing content and creating effective tweets.

Having company social profiles today is necessary, but not enough. Take care of them, and nurture them so that they can pay you back by fueling your audience, your brand and your earnings.

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