Home MARKETING How To Do Remarketing On Twitter?

How To Do Remarketing On Twitter?

Remarketing is a fundamental part of the arsenal of tools of all digital marketers. This strategy allows us to reach the users we are looking for in a much more precise way, chaining various impacts to accompany them along the entire path to conversion.

We can remarket through different channels, such as search ads, banners, or different social networks. In this article, we are going to focus on a platform that many marketers tend not to keep in mind: remarketing on Twitter.

Twitter Ads is a small but increasingly significant investment. It is a platform that we must not forget due to the profile of the users and its social repercussion, currently and in the media, so let’s go there!

A Quick Review: What Is Remarketing And How Does It Work?

Before going into the matter, let’s take a look at how remarketing (also known as retargeting ) works.

Remarketing consists of creating personalized ad campaigns that are shown to those users who have previously interacted with your brand, for example, visiting your website or other content.

The fundamental idea behind remarketing is to reach users who already know your brand or your products and therefore are much more likely to end up converting. Given its high probability of success, it is worth dedicating higher bids or a bigger budget to this type of campaign, compared to conventional ones.

The remarketing process can be summarized in three steps:

  • A user visits our website or in some way consumes content from our brand.
  • This user is marked with a cookie and added to an audience or remarketing list, the parameters of which we will have previously defined (for example, users who have visited a specific page of our website in the last 30 days).
  • An ad campaign is launched targeting users of this list, that is, only users who are part of it will be able to see it.

Within this basic configuration, we have a lot of possibilities depending on the inclusion criteria in the remarketing list and the ad formats we use. But all of them have in common a series of advantages for brands:

  • Personalize your target audience more: By setting up remarketing lists based on the action taken by users (for example, visiting a certain page) and the time that has passed since the action, you can engage users with different interests and at different points in the buying cycle and offer them maximum customization.
  • Expand the reach of the brand’s messages: reaching the audience of different social networks. Many of them (including Twitter) includes an option to reach audiences similar to your remarketing lists, that is, users who do not yet know your brand but who have a lot in common with your potential customers.
  • Improve brand recall: With remarketing, you no longer run the risk of a user visiting you and then forgetting about you since you can contact him again.
  • Meet different marketing objectives: As we have seen, retargeting offers options to adapt to a wide variety of brands, situations, and business objectives.
  • Increase conversions: By reaching users who have already shown their potential interest in your brand, you will multiply the impact of advertising.

How To Remarketing On Twitter Step By Step

To run a retargeting campaign on Twitter, you must first have a Twitter Ads account. To do this, just click on your photo in the top menu and click on “Twitter Ads”. Then add a payment method and your account is ready to go.

1. Create An Audience For Your Website

On Twitter, remarketing audiences created from other channels, such as your website, your email database, or your mobile app, are called audiences. These are the steps you must follow to create your first audience:

  • Go to the “Tools” section and then open the “Audience Manager” tab.
  • Select “Create a new audience” and choose the “Create a tag to collect website visits” option.
  • Choose a name for your audience (bearing in mind that it is recommended to create a common nomenclature for all networks), select the type of conversion you prefer and choose the data collection interval.
  • Save the tag to generate the code snippet that you will have to insert into your web page. Now you only have to copy and paste.

2. Choose The Attribution Time

The choice of time and attribution model is a common issue for all platforms, and we must carefully reflect on this issue.

The attribution time in Twitter remarketing is the number of days that will be set to decide if a conversion is attributable to Twitter or not, that is, the maximum number of days that can pass between the user clicking on our announcement and time of conversion.

For example, if we choose an attribution time of 10 days, conversions that take place within 10 days after a user clicks on an ad will be marked as Twitter conversion. But if a person converts 11 or more days later, that conversion will not count as attributable to remarketing on Twitter.

My recommendation on this topic is that you do tests with different attribution times and see what happens. There is no single recipe for all brands, so we need to customize it.

3. Install The Universal Or Specific Pixel On Your Website

To install the universal conversion pixel, simply download the code snippet and place it at the bottom of every page on your website, before the HTML </body> tag.

Please note that before placing the pixel, you will need to ensure that the privacy policy is up to date, as Twitter requires the website to provide appropriate legal notice about the use of third-party information to collect traffic data on the site. Web.

4. Create Your Remarketing Campaign On Twitter

Once the pixel is installed, it will start collecting data from users, so we will have to wait until we have a sufficient number of records. Normally, we need a minimum of 300-500 users for the option of creating a new campaign to appear.

To create your remarketing campaign follow these steps:

  • Click on “Create a new campaign”.
  • Choose the option “Website clicks or conversions” (the most common) or the one that best suits your needs.
  • If you need to add more segmentation criteria, you can do it in “Select additional segmentation criteria”.
  • Set a name, budget, locations, languages, and devices where you want to show the ad. My recommendation on Twitter is to show it on mobile since it converts much better than on desktop computers.
  • To optimize your campaign from the beginning, create several versions of the ad and add them by clicking on “Tweet (only promoted)” after finishing each one. When the campaign has been running for a while, you can review the creatives and keep the one that works best.
  • Choose the custom audience you created in previous steps or, if you have several, choose the appropriate one for this campaign. You can extend the reach by segmenting similar users to your personalized audience, or even reach only similar users and not those who make up the audience itself. To do this, you will have to exclude the original audiences in the segmentation limit by excluding audiences (section at the bottom of the page).
  • Click on “Save campaign” and start it.

How To Improve Your Remarketing Campaigns

To finish, we are going to see some key tips to improve your remarketing campaigns, either on Twitter or on other channels:

  • Control the frequency and vary the creatives: You need to make sure your message gets through, but you don’t want your potential customers to get overwhelmed. So control the number of hits per person and rotate the texts, images, and videos of your campaigns.
  • Create different lists: One of the best things about remarketing is personalization. Not all visits to your website are the same since users approach it for different reasons and are interested in equally different things. So the more you segment, the more you will hit.
  • Make a specific list for users who have already bought you: You can install a pixel directly on the end of the order page to a segment only your customers. Thus, you can offer them discounts and special promotions to achieve loyalty.
  • Do tests and more tests: You have many tools to analyze your remarketing campaigns, so don’t be afraid to use them! Make regular checks, look at the options that give better results, and use these insights to optimize your campaigns. Over time, you will see how your retargeting on Twitter is becoming more effective
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