Home How To Transfer Data From iOS To Android?

How To Transfer Data From iOS To Android?

We tell you how to transfer data from iOS to Android step by step. In this article we explain step by step how to transfer data from iOS to Android.

If you have just changed phones and have decided to go from iOS to Android, you may be somewhat lost. In principle, transferring data from iOS and Android may seem complicated, but nothing is further from reality. Here we tell you how you can pass all the information from one device to another thanks to Google Drive. You will see how easy it is!

How To Transfer Data From iOS to Android?

  • The first thing you should do is download the application from Google Drive to your iPhone. In case you already have it, make sure you have it updated with the latest version.
  • Once opened, you can start moving all your information to Google Drive .
  • Then, from your iPhone, enter the application and access “Settings”.
  • When you are here, you must click on “Make a backup ”.
  • Once inside, you will see that the option to backup “Contacts”, “Calendar Events”, and “Photos and videos” appears . If you make a backup copy of your photos and videos, keep in mind that it will be done in “Google Photos ” .

With Google Photos you have unlimited storage . You simply need to have the “High quality” option activated , although your files will be compressed. If you want to have the photos in “Original size” will also be saved, but forget about unlimited storage. These photos in original quality will be saved with their size and resolution, but you will spend space on Google Drive .

  • Once you have decided on which option to save, you must click on “Start backup”. We recommend that when you do this you are connected to a WiFi network so as not to consume your data. Depending on the content you have the copy will take more or less.
  • At the end of the copy, you will simply have to log in to Drive with the same account on your new phone and all your content will appear.
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