Home MARKETING 10 Social Networks To Improve The Online Marketing Of Your Company

10 Social Networks To Improve The Online Marketing Of Your Company

Strategic distribution of your Content Marketing through Social Networks will allow your company to take a very important step in making its products or services known to a much larger, more global and more active audience.

But Marketing through Social Networks is not a matter of opening a series of accounts and profiles in all networks, believing that with this you will have hundreds of clients. Nor can you use Social Networks as a series of platforms where you will replicate commercial content to do on your offline media.

Your strategy should be to work and adapt your content in the Social Networks in which your audience is, in which you can share valuable content for your audience and in which you can Marketing strategically.

Your objective through Social Media Marketing should be to be able to create direct and active communication, which allows you to create and retain a community around your brand and to be able to offer your audience unique, different content through your blog.

But before starting your Marketing Plan on Social Networks, you must know how to respond to the following points:

  • Objectives: which are main and secondary.
  • Target audience: Who are you targeting?
  • Value Content: What content is useful and relevant to share with your audience.
  • Format: what is the most effective way to share your content.
  • Scheduling: when and how often you will share your content.
  • Measurement and monitoring: how can you measure the objectives you are achieving.
  • ROI: how you can calculate the return on money, effort and time invested.

If you already have the answers to the previous points, the first part of your marketing plan is ready to be developed. Now I present the main characteristics of the main Social Networks, so that according to their characteristics, your audience and your content, you can implement your Social Media Marketing plan.

Social Media Marketing: 12 Social Networks That Will Improve The Presence Of Your Company

1. How To Marketing On Twitter

It is the Social Network par excellence to bequeath to an audience that you do not know exactly, but that creates and shares information or content related to your brand. On Twitter, you can find the public who share or ask about topics that may be related to the products or services you offer.

Its main characteristic of 140 characters requires the creation of concrete, attractive and useful information and, above all, that invites web redirection through the thousands of links that are shared daily. In addition to informing and informing you, you can find there your target audience and benchmarks in your sector, potential clients and ambassadors who will help you consolidate your brand and your knowledge.

Strategically it is also a network in which you can share the content of your blog, through links that will help direct the public to your website. In which you can dialogue and exchange perceptions with professionals in your sector and answer frequently asked questions about your company.

Through its Twitter Analytics platform, you have free and immediate access to statistics, with which you can measure the impact of your communication. In this way you will be able to know the best schedules, themes and content, to strategically publish them on the busiest days of your audience.

You can also do marketing campaigns to promote your products or your content and reach the desired audiences, as an interface that allows you to create campaigns with a very specific segmentation.

2. Facebook As An Effective Marketing Platform

Facebook is the largest network in the world and with the largest audience. An audience that is also very loyal and that connects daily for several hours and where you can share valuable content that invites them to get to know your brand and products better in an active and participatory way.

The professional part of Facebook allows you as a brand to create Fan Pages for companies and participation groups in which you can strategically obtain useful information for your brand and spread your content.

That proximity of the public can help you create strategies and participation actions that help you create very strong links between followers and your brand. It can also be a great channel of attention to the public, to the redirection to your website and a communicating glass between the offline public of your company and the online audiences.

It also offers you for free (from 30 Fans), very accurate statistics of your audience and your communication. It also gives you the possibility of creating ad campaigns in different formats, with very specific segmentations that can make your company reach a target audience and closely related to your brand and products.

3. Marketing And Reinforcing Branding With Linkedin

It is the social network for employment and professional relations. It is strategic for your brand to have a presence on this social network to create professional contacts, participate in groups and communities and to find and specific profiles for your company and your work team.

On Linkedin, you can participate as a person or with a company profile and work with B2B objectives, with people and groups of professionals with particular interests related to those of your brand.

The presence on Linkedin of a brand reaffirms its credibility the user who seeks references on social networks about your brand.

4. Marketing On YouTube: Video Marketing Strategies

For a couple of years now, the video has been the most consumed and shared content format on the web and the one that will develop the most in the coming years. It is also one of the formats that give you the most possibilities when creating specific content for your audience.

We cannot understand YouTube simply as a video platform, but as one of the most didactic, most useful and most dynamic platforms for sharing content. Therefore, it is the most requested format on the web.

It is true that the production of video content involves the use of skills, programs and equipment that are not always available to everyone, but with ingenuity and few resources, you can make great videos, which can help you build a strong and close brand image.

With video you can create content in many ways and very useful for your audience and the branding of your brand:

  • Interview
  • Advertising spot
  • Tutorial
  • Making off
  • Trailer
  • Hangout
  • Webinar
  • Interactives, etc

5. How To Do Effective Marketing On Instagram

The development of Instagram in the last two years has been spectacular. In fact, it has been the social network with the highest percentage of growth in 2014 and continues its progression in 2015.

The ability to transmit images and videos of 15 seconds is a great opportunity for you to show your audiences a value-added content from your company, showing and humanizing your brand through your employees, your facilities, your customers or the process of making your products

6. Pinterest Another Platform For Content And Visual Marketing

Pinterest of the networks with the highest growth and penetration in recent years. It also has a very loyal and very active audience within the social network. Thousands of photographs, maps, illustrations, icons, vectors, infographics are shared daily in the form of boards, pins and collections.

Pinterest can help you show your audience visual and illustrative aspects that help them to better understand your products or facilities. But it can also help you get inspired or share useful and inspiring content for your audience.

7. Soundcloud: Content Marketing Through Audio

Soundcloud is a new social network that brings us audio as a content format. It can be very useful for your company if you create content that can be broadcast live or on a podcast that provides valuable content for your audience.

The social network gives you the advantage of making it easier for your audience to listen to your content through any fixed or mobile device with an internet connection.

8. Tumblr As An Attraction Marketing Platform

It is a Social Network with microblogging format and with a wide reception among the younger generations worldwide for the ease of formats that you can share through it: text, photos, videos, animated gifs, audio, etc.

The speed and low consumption of data on mobile devices are widely accepted among its users. It can be a good platform for your company if your target audience is young and if you have visual content that you want to spread quickly.

9. Slideshare To Do Content Marketing

The is a social network for slides and the content of research and papers. If your company can create content that can be exposed in slide sequences that help to understand your content, this is your network.

This social network belongs to Linkedin and fully compatible with your profile of person or company, with which you have 2 large platforms to spread your content, which can also be attached as a link on Twitter or inserted into your blog. Then the strategy of creating content on Slideshare can be very beneficial for your company.

10. How To Do Marketing On Whatsapp Without Becoming A Spammer

I can not assure you if WhatsApp is a social network or not, but it is increasingly like a social network. And best of all, more and more companies use it to share content with their communities and develop online marketing strategies or do customer service in a personalized way or in groups.

The recent implementation of WhatsApp for the computer has opened an infinity of possibilities to share content in many formats from your computer, whether with links, images, texts or photos and with a speed greater than that of the mobile connection.

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