Home TECHNOLOGY Microservices: 5 Reasons Why This Architecture Makes Data Protection Easier

Microservices: 5 Reasons Why This Architecture Makes Data Protection Easier

Opinions are still divided on which IT approach is better: microservices or monoliths. The increasing data protection requirements are a good reason to rely on more minor services instead of a large code base. Five advantages that microservices offer in addressing them.

In the cloud and container technologies age, microservices have become a game changer. Indeed, monolithic software architectures have not lost their raison d’être. But especially concerning data protection, splitting an application into more minor services is worthwhile. Consol explains the advantages of the small-scale architecture approach using the following five examples:

Tailored Protection Of Individual Microservices

Monolithic applications that manage sensitive data require organisations to secure to the highest standards at every architectural level. This increases the complexity many times over, especially in pervasive applications. In a microservices architecture, on the other hand, each service only has Access to the data it needs to function correctly. This constraint allows developers to implement customizable security mechanisms for each service. Companies will secure services that Access sensitive data with appropriate Access protection and complex cryptographic procedures. A service that only manages data that is public anyway, such as the company address, does not need special protection against data theft – but it does against data loss and unauthorised manipulation.

Service-Specific Data Erasure And Retention Period

Many applications contain functions that only work correctly if they have Access to various data. However, this data is often required for different lengths of time. In monolithic applications, the individual setting of data erasure is challenging to implement. It’s easier in microservices applications: Since the services are linked to each other via communication interfaces but are otherwise independent program parts, the developers can also specify a specific storage period for the data of each service.

Microservices Facilitate Targeted Monitoring

For consistent data protection, it is not only necessary to set up the individual services for timely deletion and to secure them according to their need for protection. Companies must also monitor their application after implementation to ensure that the data disappears from the server at the intended time and that the protective measures are effective. In this context, a microservices architecture is also advantageous since the targeted monitoring of individual services is more accessible.

Easier Readjustment

The introduction of the GDPR has shown impressively that data protection regulations can change on a large scale. However, updated terms and conditions and new contractual clauses can also make it necessary to adapt the application of a company. Rewriting the code base of a monolith is very complicated because of the many dependencies within the application. Changes in one place can cause problems at other points in the system that are difficult to predict. Microservices are easier to maintain, and developers can quickly adapt them to current legal requirements or contractual conditions.

Microservices: Special Teams For Special Services

Not only microservices can be “specialists”, but also their response teams. A development team tasked with programming a service that processes compassionate data can, for example, further educate themselves in the field of cryptography. On the other hand, other teams can focus on the business logic.

“Microservices architectures, properly implemented and managed, offer not only numerous management advantages but also enable a more targeted and simpler protection of sensitive data”. “Monoliths have the edge regarding administrative effort for deployment and maintenance. But when it comes to data protection, companies should think about using microservices.”

Also Read: What Protects Your Data Better – VPN, Antidetect Browser, or Proxy?

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