Home DIGITAL MARKETING What A Newbie Should Know About Sales Automation

What A Newbie Should Know About Sales Automation

As you grow your business, chances are you will make a ton of mistakes at every stage, including creating poor content to inefficient marketing, to lack of leads, to minimal conversation rates.

Chances are you’ve already lost many leads because you could not follow up with them on time. Maybe, you had tons of leads, but you failed to screen them correctly in order of best fit for you. If you are looking for clarity in situations like these, this article is for you.

As you build your brand and get more leads and conversions via videos for sales, you may have to automate your sales process at some point to ensure things run swimmingly.

Sales Automation In A Nutshell

In short, sales automation is a term used to describe the mechanization of manual, time-consuming sales tasks via the use of software, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and a plethora of other digital tools. Sales automation helps manage or own responsibilities that sales reps and managers find themselves doing on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Why Is Sales Automation Important?

Here are a few reasons to consider going for sales automation:

  • It boosts the productivity and performance of your sales representatives.
  • It ensures a substantial improvement in your efficiency.
  • It significantly increases accuracy and streamlines your sales process.
  • It makes it easy for you to retain your leads.
  • Sales automation keeps the quality of your sales tasks intact.
  • It substantially reduces the response time to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Makes it easy for you to keep your data consistent across your sales organization.
  • Enables you to make the best use of scarce resources such as a small sales team or limited budget.

What Is Sales Automation CRM?

Your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a critical aspect of your sales automation process. Your sales automation processes will function in the absence of a robust CRM. You have to find efficient free CRM software to handle your customer relationship management and sales automation.

CRM software eases the process of tracking, organizing, and taking care of your leads and customers without issue. Some of the CRM software’s most important automation tasks are rep outreach, contact data, and prospect activity, among others.

How Does Sales Automation Software Help Sales Managers?

Sales managers have a multitude of sales responsibilities. Automating the sales process can benefit managers in the following ways:

Lead Rotation

As you may have gathered, assigning leads manually is not an easy process and consumes entirely too much time and bandwidth. You may use this time and energy to handle other essential tasks.

Additionally, you run the risk of committing mistakes and losing your leads consequently. If you want to reduce your chances of losing leads, consider utilizing an auto-rotator or CRM software to screen out leads on parameters like business size, geographic location, and other relevant details. Do this to boost your efficiency.


Reporting is yet another essential task you have to handle as a sales manager. If you are heading a sales team, chances are you will probably end up spending more time you need to create reports and forward them to multiple team members. If you wish to save time and maximize your productivity, you could use your CRM software to draft automated email reports.

This way you can keep your salespeople up to date on the stack ranking every day and send your sales director a weekly report. This is one of the best ways to save time and maintain your team’s motivation and productivity.

Lead Scoring

As vital as lead scoring is, lead scoring is imperative. It is your job to ensure your sales reps get the best leads. In other words, you may have to get a lead scoring system. This system makes use of behavioural and demographic information to analyze leads and check if they qualify. This is an excellent way to get your sales reps to prioritize your leads efficiently.

However, make sure that you have enough leads before you invest in a lead scoring system. If you do not have enough leads coming in, you need to make that your priority and focus on acquiring as many leads as you can. However, once you reach a decent number of leads, you can get a lead scoring system.

Also, be sure to study sources including, lead capture forms, social engagement, online behaviour, data enrichment tools, and so on.

Lead Scoring

How Does Sales Automation Software Help Sales Reps?

Sales reps, as you know, have a different set of duties from sales managers. Here’s how sales automation software benefits reps:

Lead Enrichment

Sales automation software plays a role in lead enrichment. The more information you have on your lead, including industry, size, budget, business, duties and responsibilities, brand awareness, social media presence, vendors, etc., the simpler it is for you to forge a relationship with them.

Email Templates

Save time by not copy-pasting or typing out each email from scratch. Instead, increase your efficiency by using email templates. You can start by making master versions of the emails that you mail your prospects regularly and save them as templates. Then, customize those templates for every individual prospect and personalize it.

Sales Email Automation

At times, you may have to send your prospect multiple emails in a row if you do not receive a reply the first time. You can use Hubspot Sequences for this. Kickstart an email marketing campaign and personalize it for every prospect. Be sure to include personalization tokens for their business along with contact details. Also, you may have to add details that are specific to them to make your messages seem more natural and personal.

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